Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Yrs Party 80's Style

then my camera batteries ran out in the first 30 mins of the party! I guess I forgot to recharge after Disney.....
But here are the pictures I promised. I know you were all waiting w/baited breath. (teehee)

You can see Steve in his 80's t-shirt sporting his Ronald Regan button...and Ryan, our Youth minister, dressed as the cool Miami Vice guy - what was his name? (teehee) The 80's was 28 yrs ago! Does anyone know what Don, the cool guy in the white suit, Johnson is doing these days?
Then of course there are the 4 girls , where one (me) was actually a mother during the 80's and as you notice by the varsity jacket these other girls were in HIGH SCHOOL in the 80's...(teehee)
Of course we all remember Olivia Newton-John and her "Let's Get Physical" video.. Remember leg warmers, oh look, they are back in style now! Please note: Pete Rose in the background......hummmm!
We listened to great music, enjoyed food and video arcade, had a guys vs girls game of Gestures. Talked about our kids and grandkids,vacations, Christmas, politics, parents and broken furnaces. We remembered and gave tribute to the 1980's but I think no one wanted to go back to those 'happy days!'

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