Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm confused, is it....

.....The Wizard of Oz or Frosty the Snowman? No, it's Snowy, the Buckeye Snowman. These time lapse photos were taken on Friday from 9am till 5:30 pm. We had sunshine all day long! The pond was de-thawling and Snowy was leaving the yard.
.....Yet, a miracle could save Snowy, b/c we received 2 inches of snow today! And although I love snowmen, I am still in search of the miracle ruby I can fly south!
.....Please know that I am very happy here in central Ohio! My husband loves ministry and our church is grand! Today, they were pulling out tons more chairs for services...yipeeee! I love being close to our parents and siblings! We really feel that God blessed us to 'come home' again! I just don't like the cold! But my friend Ronnie loves it in Colorado!!!!

....1 I'm melting!

2......I'm melting! feeling kinda sluggish!

...3 I'm melting! and my voice is high pitched now!

...4 below
I'm melting! (and my nose has slid off my face) See carrot and 1 chocolate chip to right side of snowball....

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