Monday, September 22, 2008

Heaven's 11...continues (pastor Terry's sermon)

#2 Who is your Jonathan?? (#1 Who is your Nathan? 4th one down)

A best friend, usually the same gender, a person who will sacrifice for you. Jonathan's can raise us up.They stand beside you and at some point, they will stand in the shadow so you can shine! (think movie: Lord of the Rings)
Look into 1 Samuel 18:1-4 (better yet go back into chapter 17)
Saul was King of Israel but his heart turned away from God. Young David appears on the scene to take on Goliath, Saul takes notice. Jonathan, the son of the King takes notice also. J & D become best of friends. 2 Samuel 1:26 talks about how Jonathan loved David like he loved himself. They became one in spirit. Jonathan gives David his royal robe and sword, showing that he valued David's friendship. David longed for a real friendship and found it w/Jonathan. Remember how Jonathan protected David after the King's anger got so bad that King Saul wanted to kill David?
Jonathan's help us to be the best. They are true friends that our souls are designed for. Jonathan's encourage us to take risks and they stand in the gap supporting us....thru prayer or physical needs.(go back to sacrifice)
If we are to multiple in this mission called life then we must become a Jonathan in order to have one as our very own. You see, this then becomes contagious! (see multiply mission called life)
Who was King Saul's Jonathan? David of course! He protected him as King and always stood in the gap for him. His sacrifices proved his dedication to the King.
My Jonathan, would have to be Kathy D. in Mississippi. She has always stood in the gap for me...encouraging me when things got tough. Being the friend I so desperately needed when even family members were not there. So thanks Kathy D. (funny, her husbands name is John) I am proud to name you as my Jonathan!

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