Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Vine and Branches...

(me at 2 yrs old..God knew then that He had a plan for my life that included YOU)

Today, John 15 really spoke to my heart. The chapter talks about me being the branch and Jesus as the vine. It says I am to produce fruit....I suddenly thought about grapes...sweet, juicy but sometimes sour!!! God please keep me from producing sour grapes in my life.
V2 states that God, the vineyard keeper, prunes His branches so it will continue producing good fruit. Keep pruning me Lord! B/c my ultimate desire is to be pleasing in your sight.
V8.."My Father is glorified by this, that you produce much fruit and prove to me My disciples." I am to produce fruit (share, witness about Christ) in my life. (If I confess Him before man , He will confess me before the Father)

Many days I so disappoint Him...I am glad He never gives up on me. God sees my worth even when I don't ! It has taken me a long time to figure this one out, so keep pruning me Lord, help me to see growth in the smallest of things.

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