...different people.
The other day I heard a commercial advertising chocolate..Well, my ears perked up and I stopped making the bed. Did someone say chocolate?
As the video was showing chocolate being poured onto a cool granite slab, the voice said..
Does chocolate satisfy you or your soul?
I found myself answering the TV...and just so you won't have to question me, "Yes I was in the house alone."
Of course my answer was an immediate MY SOUL! I mean if you are passionate about anything, your answer comes from your soul, the very depths of your being...RIGHT?
Since I am really stretching my faith-walk these days in preparation for a women's conference in March... I keep a large notepad handy in case I get an inspiration from God...now I know you can picture me walking down the hall for my trusty notebook so I can pen this awesome question. (note to self: do not run if you are accident prone, like me)
Afterwards I pondered on this question. In my relationship w/God am I satisfied Him in just my body or in my soul. I was shocked that I was having to think about this a few minutes...but I wanted to search my soul...Am I satisfied in my soul????
A shocking answer came out of my vocal cords, something I had to admit, if I am going to be honest w/these ladies in a few weeks. In my body I am satisfied b/c it's the right thing to do. I know God is love and I love God, is that enough? Enough? Hummmm...NO it's not! Is my soul satisfied? Some days it's not even quenched, sad to say. Some days I feel that my cup is so run over w/God that I cannot believe He keeps giving and giving. Some days I am filled w/just enough that it really is a natural part of my existence. So that lead me to another question...
Is my cup half full or half empty?
I can say from a humanistic standpoint, my measuring cup is half full. But from a spiritual side, I am half empty. I desire God to continue filling me, "not by my might, but His might." I need to be questioning God daily about His will for my life. I need to be a seeker of the truth. I do not want to ever quit leaning on God to do amazing things in every aspect of my life, i.e. for me and for those surrounding me, even the cashier at WalMart.
So with the original question only pondering in my mind for a few minutes. My answer was/MY SOUL!
I want God to satisfy me in my soul. Which means I have to stay in the Word, drink in His spirit so I can claim His promises. I must love w/o pretenses. I must give to others b/c I have been given so much. I must feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter for those w/o shelter.
When doing these things (as Jesus did) my soul will be satisfied....NOT TO COMPLETION, but to joy, happiness and contentment. Completion only gives way to boredom and I do not want to be one who finds no excitement in the things of Christ!
I have not 'arrived.' And nor will I ever 'arrive' until one day God takes me home to live eternity w/Him as the creator, Yawah, Prince of Peace, Father.
So ask yourself, Does chocolate satisify you or your soul?
(ANSWER: chocolate is my soul and Christ on the cross is the reason for my soul)