Saturday, April 18, 2009

A simple napkin.....

....that all it was, a folded napkin placed ever so gently on perhaps a stone ledge in a cold tomb. Friends in somber faces approach the death tomb and realize that the huge rock has somehow been taken from the front of the cave. Who would have, could have moved such a heavy rock? And when they looked inside, their best friend was missing. Who would of stolen a corpse? Of what use would a dead body be to anyone? Still in shock and wonder, the friends stand inside the cave, confused. You can imagine the thoughts that were going on in their individual minds!

The friend who was loved more, was so confused. The gauze wrapping that prepared the body was tossed onto the stone ledge, but wait, what does he see? A folded napkin. Then he totally understands what has taken place. Then he remembers the conversations he had w/his now dead friend.

His mind wanders back to the servants in his home as a young child. Their job was to set the table for meals. His father would have a unusual signal for the servant that signified the end of each meal. IF the Master was finished with his meal, his would simple stand, wipe off his mouth, beard, and hands then throw the napkin onto the table. The servant would know to start cleanup and prep for the next meal. IF, however, the Master would wipe his mouth, beard and hands then FOLD his napkin and place by his plate, the servant knew the Master would be returning. In other words the Master was coming back. So the servant waited.

The friend who was loved, then knew his loving friend was returning. Thus the folded napkin!

This story is of course the Empty Tomb scene, the victorious scene of Christ rising from the grave found in John chapter 20. The story told by John who was "the one whom Jesus loved." (grave where is your victory, death where is your sting)

Our pastor told the Easter Resurrection story in such a picturesque way that for the first time in many a years, this year was very personal. Maybe b/c of things that have taken place in my life, or just that w/a new pastor, it was fresh and anew! DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? We hear these stories every year, we witness all through out the year, but sometimes we NEED TO HEAR THE STORY, THE OLD OLD STORY OF JESUS AND HIS LOVE, anew!

Pastor Terry did not finish there.....he continued about the personal relationship God desires w/us. Then he talked about the marriage know, the one in Revelation, when the bride groom will come for His bride (the church)

Then Terry said "I don't know if it will happen like this or not b/c the Bible is unclear...but picture w/me if you will... We are all at the feast, praising God in song, then Jesus stands wipes His mouth, beard and hands as we watch Him in awh! He looks to the Father and back at us, He throws the napkin on the table... It is done!"

At this point in the service I got chill bumps all over my body. And when I told my daughter on the phone a few days later, she said the same thing. "Mom I so have goose bumps right now."

Pastor Terry said, When Christ said, "It is finished" on the cross, He meant the one time sacrifice was finished, no more! But the folded napkin meant that for redemption sake, He was coming back just like He promised.

Now our job to is make sure that when Jesus returns, He will see that the folded napkin was not folded in vain....may we tell others the good news of the FOLDED NAPKIN, may we be an example toward others about the good news of the FOLDED NAPKIN. Just a simple napkin!

(disclaimer: the Easter sermon notes are my own wording, yet the scripture and examples came from my pastor)

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