Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Where is your home?

Your home, where you were born? Is this the same home you now live in? You say, you no longer live where you were born? Huh, me too! So where is your home? The plaque states that home is "where your heart is." My dad use to say that "home is where you hang your hat." While others say that "home is where family lives."

The Bible tells us that home is where we will live eternity w/God if we have accepted the free gift of eternal life that comes from Jesus and his death, burial & resurrection from the cross.

What does your home look like? Is it larger, new, old, small, traditional, modern? Does it have a pool in the back yard, a 1,2 or 3 car garage, a rusty swing set or bikes in the grass?

Home, where I was born looked somewhat like the above. Home when I married looked quite different from where I grew up, mainly b/c we were constantly moving.Never in the same town or state for more than 6 yrs...we would pack up and move yet again. Our girls did a rather stealth job of adjusting to their daddy's job.

But if I had to do it all over again...I WOULD! B/C we have had some awesome homes! Never w/the view of the descriptions you may pick from the above list...but from the opportunities to make new friends! The experiences our children received were most rewarding.

We have lived in southern and northern Texas,Virginia, Ohio, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, and now full circle back to Ohio. Many homes that were filled w/love....laughter/sadness....victories/defeats. Crowded w/people, runaway teens, SS parties, open houses, internationals eating dinner w/us, bringing neighbors together for the first time, you name it our home pretty much experienced it. (notice I said home -not plural)

So although a home is where the heart is, and any house will be home if you live there w/family....IT'S REALLY NOT A HOME UNTIL YOU OPEN IT UP TO STRANGERS. Then after you do, those strangers are no longer strangers but FRIENDS!

WE are so blessed to have friends! You are so blessed to have friends! They are our richest asset, the wealthiest commodity we could ever hold onto. So hold on w/all your might! Sing a song of joy for your friends.

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