Monday, September 27, 2010

Questioning Pride...

...Luke 10:18-20 Jesus said, "I watched satan fall from heaven like a lighting flash. Look I have given you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy; nothing will ever harm you. However, don't rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your name is written in heaven."

Do I steer clear of pride issues or do I relish in them? The honest answer is no & yes! At least in my life. I struggle with pride from time to time. Picturing times where I was completely in charge of a successful volunteer service at my daughters schools or my 50 hr a week (times 6 wks job) of set preps for VBS. Sometimes it has been a duet or trio song of praise in worship or a project completion at work.

I am proud of my marriage to my husband of 33 yrs, 2 gorgeous daughters, 2 awesome godly sons and those 4 precious grands! I am proud of the churches we have served in b/c their ministries truly shown light in the community. I am very proud of my Ohio State Buckeyes, although I know they are just a football team that don't know me from Adam. I am proud of our home. Very proud that my husband is a published author. I could go on and on but I will stop here.

I think this verse hit me today, b/c I had never thought much about Jesus watching satan fall to earth. It reminded me that Jesus always has been. What a safe thought. But when He started talking to the 70 men He had sent out to teach and bring in the harvest...He caught my attention also.

They were bragging about the demons who submitted to them in Jesus name. And Jesus (I am guessing) in a still voice told them to stop being so proud. He gave attention to the fact that He had given them every ability to handle anything that came near them. Nothing was going to harm them. They were bound to succeed b/c He gave them the directive. He caught them in their pride. I can see them standing around Jesus and bragging on all they had done, as buttons popped off their shirts or maybe as the knots in their robe ties came undone.

I've been there and so have you. It's a dangerous spot to be in. Usually I can say "oh no" before I am waist deep in my sinkin-stinkin pride. Knowing that PRIDE REALLY DOES COME BEFORE THE FALL. I know my sin and admit my failure..asking for forgiveness and desiring to NOT do that again.

Pride brings anger and selfishness and that only leads me to a life of unfilled desires and self-centered-ness.

Living this Christ-life for over 33 yrs I have learned the hard way many best to deal w/pride. What makes me happy about these 2 verses is the fact that Christ does have my name written in the Lambs Book of Life and b/c He does I have the power to deal w/pride.

I am still proud of my family, home, church, and how God gives me strength to get through all the volunteer hours but that is BECAUSE my perspective has changed over the years.

It is not b/c of me that all these things are's b/c of Christ Himself. That He allowed me to partake of each event, service and joy is the blessing of living this life.

For that I am very PROUD!

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