Sunday, May 6, 2007


The Bible says that you may be entertaining angels unaware. Meaning, that you may not know who you are helping out in life, was that person just hungry or was that an angel to whom you just showed kindness to? Well, we noticed that we were entertaining a mother robin unaware in our soffet (picture #1) Steve had to dig out the nest (picture #2) and fix our security light. And in the process we found 2 eggs (picture #3)

How this mother managed to get into the soffet in the first place, we may never know. The amount of straw was amazing! Then again, mothers are amazing!

We stand outside most evenings after a walk , talking to our neighbors and never noticed this till last week. There was a third egg that was not broken so I put it in a baggie for our neighbor's son to take to show n tell. (it has a crack in it so the baby would not have survived)

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