Thursday, December 3, 2009

No Letter...

this year!! Every year I write out a letter of events from that awesome year God allowed us to share together. All the good, bad and the ugly of life. But this year I am not do that. Now one thing my family has to put up with is the "Olan Mills Mother" that comes out of me when I know we will be together.. It may be a theme picture or color coordinated and every person has a smile on their faces! Now the guys of my family usually smile on cue b/c they are so NOT into standing around in strange areas for "just one more picture.' However for me, this is a treasure!

This year was a clarion call to wear fall colors. (easy right?) We tried indoors then went outside and those pics looks more "normal & relaxing" for us. We do have a wonderful family photographer, namely we made sure that we got some of their family.
I already have next years theme thought out in my mind,but it's a secret, a good plan never fails!

Thanksgiving feast, which we are all blessed w/in this country was filling, so filling that we forgot to bake the Mrs. Smith Pumpkin pie! (we never even missed it) the guys watched football on a 52" screen while we girls prepared all sorts of good stuff. A sweet family came over b/c they lived states away from their family...we had so much food and I came away w/a great Corn Casserole Mexican style!

The grands made gingerbread teddy bear cookies, and also some sugar cookies. Sir n I was able to watch them put up their Christmas tree. Funny thing is their Christmas list wasn't very large this year, just onething "American Girl". We brought Christmas to them so I know that each day they see those presents, they are really itching to peek.

Shana took a wonderful picture of Marley that could win a contest! We went to Turtle Park in Albany, Ga and took some rustic pics in an alley and by the rail road station. Had to bribe Marley and the grands w/snacks n gum....teehee!

After doing all things the holiday traditions have required, the pastor at Jill and Warren's church made this statement....Jesus responds to us in the middle of our busy-ness and says "Be Still & Know that I am God." Jesus wants to spend UNHURRIED TIME w/us on a regular basis.

Throughout the week together w/our family I thought often of Jesus and what He desires of us...and then the pastor spoke it: UNHURRIED TIME.
So may I encourage you to spend some unhurried time w/Christ before we celebrate His birth. IF the last holly does not get up in time or the wrapping paper doesn't match or you run out of bows..or you don't have enough money to spend, or our home doesn't have that "martha stewart" look, so what! Our relationship w/Christ, family and friends is what really matters during the most stressful time of the year.

These are the things that will be remembered!

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