Tuesday, July 29, 2008

When life doesn't work out like you planned...

....scream??? No! Today's quiet time was spent w/Moses...Exodus 2.
Moses at age 40 was regarded in high esteem by Pharaoh. But Moses had a desire to finally leave the palace and see his people, the Israelites. They were a hard working bunch and lived in Egypt after Joseph encouraged them to come down during the famine. The King back then agreed and gave them land to live on. Well, Pharaoh's come and go...but 40 yrs after baby Moses was found in a basket floating on the Nile..his desire, passion, and intrigue almost cost him his life.

Moses oversees an Egyptian guard mistreating one of his relatives so he kills the guard, hiding him in some shrubs. No one saw the killing, or so he thought. The next day Moses walks out in his royal robe to see his relatives only to find 2 Israelites fighting...he quickly pulls them apart and asks them to stop. One man (who was witness to the murder) says, " Who made you prince over us? Are you intending to kill me also?" The Pharaoh heard of this news and tried to kill Moses. Moses decided to run for his 'literal' life... to Midian.

Now the question comes... Was this desire to meet his relatives of his own choosing OR was it a spiritual plan? Phil 2:13 states..."for it is God who is at work in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure."

What is God using in me? Is it my plans, my desires... or is it spiritual? Since God is Creator, and I am His child...then the desires of my heart should match His plan. I have value...I was born w/a purpose..He has placed me in this time...He has saved me by His love...He has given me desires to fulfill- His desires.

My mission is to run forward to whatever is next for me to do. Run forward w/joy, love and desires to always point others to Jesus w/encouraging words, deeds and attitude.

Lord- keep my focus on You. You are healer, deliver, creator and father of me your child. May I desire your desires as I live out the years ahead... So be it!

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