Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Life Happens...Part 1

“With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation”…..Psalm 91:16

As much as I love to journal, I can’t believe this is the first time I have really sat down to blog. Life has happen since I last sit down to type and a perfect example of this was just 5 minutes ago. Shana called and said “Mom, go look at the lunar eclipse!” So I ran out of the house w/camera in hand to watch LIFE! How cool is it to watch an amazing thing like this take place! How really cool to watch it w/your daughter!!!! (Steve was already asleep-long day at the office)

January disappeared and February with it. I facilitated the newest Beth Moore Study titled, Psalms of the Ascents in January. It held so much wisdom and really opened our eyes to some things. I also coached a 2nd/3rd grade cheerleading squad for our Upward Basketball program at church. One of my cheerleaders accepted Christ the night I gave the salvation devotion. Steve was asked to speak at Shana and Billie’s church for their Valentine Banquet and I gave my testimony at Upward one Saturday.

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