Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Romans 8:6 (NIV)...The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.
The word for today is CONTROL, I love to write and to live out devotions so this morning I found another meaning for control.
Control: giving God control over any circumstance, control of the gas level in your mode of transportation, not giving over to the urge of the knowledge that although you get so many MPH to the gallon and have 35 miles to drive, you must let go of the control and trust God.
I forgot to fill my car up last night. This is a must since I live 35 miles from work, drive in 75 mph traffic and never know when there will be an accident on the interstate that will stall traffic for sometimes up to an hour. As I stumbled into sleep, I noted that the car was on an eighth a tank of gas so I would be cutting it close. Since I have to drive a way to even get gas, I thought I would go onto work and fill up on Broadway Street.
The morning came and as usual the first 25 minutes of my drive to work is filled with prayer. I asked God to keep my tank full till I got to Broadway. I told Him that I would not even look at the gas gage, as I wanted to fully rely on Him. Well, I looked (not even 10 minutes into my drive) I apologized to God and truly did not look the rest of the way into work. I even realized that I needed to pray that the low fuel light would not come on because I would freak out. I felt such peace in this trust issue with my Father. I continued praying and then like usual turned on the radio to some praise music, funny thing, the song was about giving God control…huh!
I was about 1 minute from my exit at Broadway and like always I called my husband to let him know I had gotten to work safely. As I was pulling into the gas station my yellow “low fuel” light came on. God is great!
God so wants us to trust Him in these little issues of life. Granted I should have had my tank full before going off in the morning rush hour. Granted an eighth of a tank of gas should get you at least 25-35 miles in a good car. I granted a powerful God to take control of my lifestyle today. I granted the God of the universe to work in such a simple way. But that is not what happened.
As I think of it, HE granted me the opportunity to trust His control this morning. He invited me to be apart of His universe, His power, His peace, His control. To which I can say, Praise you Father!

Peter 4:7 (NIV)…The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.

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