Thursday, April 5, 2007

And the story continues....

Tomorrow is Good Friday and my favorite holiday is here. I remember when we lived in Mobile, Alabama...our church did a Munday-Thurday service on the night before Good Friday. This was as special to me as a Christmas Eve service. I pray that each of you in this "blog world" catch Jesus this season and understands once again or maybe for the first time, the power in our risen Savior, the love of a awesome God and the riches He bestows on us each day whether we deserve it or not.

My quiet time today had me reading in John 12:19-36. Allow me to pull a couple verses that stood out to me.

V19...(after the triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem) "Then the Pharisees said to one another, You see? You've accomplished nothing, Look-the world has gone after Him!"
V23.."The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified."
V27.."Now my soul is troubled. What should I say, Father, save Me from this hour? But that is why I came to this hour.
V28...Father, glorify Your name!"
V28.."Then a voice came from heaven, I have glorified it and I will glorify it again.
V29..."THE CROWD STANDING THERE HEARD IT AND SAID IT WAS THUNDER. Others said, An angel has spoken to Him."

The Pharisees didn't get it. The crowd didn't get it. The disciples didn't get it.
I am thankful that when they DID GET IT..the Word spread all the way thru time to a place in Ohio where a neighbor welcomed a young family and invited the children to Sunday School. This lady helped plant seeds into these children so that ONE DAY they would "get it."

And WE DID! My brother, sister and myself....and the story continues to our children and grandchildren. Easter----He is Risen!

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