Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Last Saturday...

Last Saturday Steve helps a friend pack a truck for their newest destination...North Carolina. We will miss them alot but cannot help to be excited about how God is going to use them. We pray that John's MS stays at bay and his new head master position will honor God.

Last Saturday Shana & the girls drove down for a few days visit while Bill is off to M-fuge w/the teens. Well, Jill brought the girls down early on Saturday b/c Shana was taking wedding pics for a friend. I fix lunch, Steve gets home and pulls out the huge toy box we keep for such times as these. The temp in southern Georgia is already in the high 90's ...so off he goes to bed to relieve a headache. I got it covered w/the girls. We play "Go Fish" at least 3 times, then decide to play "Match Game" w/the same cards (BTW these cards are at least 25 yrs old)

Last Saturday after we tire of cards, I suggest we watch a movie that I taped earlier for them. "You can lay on your pillows on the floor or on the couch," I said. The 2 younger girls beat it to the couch which leaves KK out of room. No problem, I just showed her how I love to watch movies...in the big oversized chair and my pillow. Well, this is where all plans for a great day of leisure stops cold in its tracks!

Last Saturday, my little toe collides w/KK's heel and thinking I just stubbed it, no problem, TILL I LOOK DOWN. Don't think this is a stubbed toe! Off I hobble to the bedroom, waking up my dear husband, making a phone call to Jill so she can watch the girls while we go to the hospital. I am laying on the bed while Steve calls Jill..."Jill you need to come down & watch the girls, your mom thinks she broke her toe." (then I turn over in bed) "no, it's broke."

Last Saturday, after 4.5 hrs in the hospital, xrays confirming it was broken, jerk it back in place, tape and get fitted w/an exquisite blue shoe...I go home! I took Sunday off but had to get groceries Monday. And No, I did not ride the scotter in WalMart, but my foot got stepped on twice(Go figure, WalMart crowded!) was swollen tight by the time we got home.

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