Monday, April 21, 2008

Jonah and ME....

I have been reading Jonah this past week. Chapter 2 is his cry out to God. After reading this prayer of Jonah, I think about the BIG fish. Imagine Jonah falling deep into the "heart of the sea." A fish swallows him whole. He is tossed and turned and bound w/seaweed. As all this was happening, I would of freaked out!!!
But Jonah continued w/his prayer. He is not bitter toward God, he keeps his vows to God, He lifts up his voice in thanksgiving. (IN THE BELLY OF A FISH) Jonah admits that he needs to pay what was due b/c of his disobedience. He clearly states -Salvation comes from God.
As he lays in this yucky belly, God hears his crys and makes the fish to SPIT him out on dry LAND.
I may never see what Jonah saw, never feel that much helplessness....BUT did that fish come along at the exact time for PROTECTION?
Don't we sometimes find ourselves in this exact spot. My trials/storms ususally come from my making. (Just like Jonah)
I believe that the fish came as a purpose...a protection..a place where Jonah had time to think about his disobedience and the love he still had for his GOD!

WOW, I am always amazed at the depth of love God has for us!
I sat on my front porch, basking in the sun as I journaled today. I enjoy the warmth it brings but God once again showed me that basking in the Son brings so much more enjoyment.

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