Last night Steve and I was privledged to be in the video of "Experiencing God" -revised (otherwise known as "bring it up to the year 2007) Some people in the audience were those who attended the very first video production of this Bible study (1973) that has gone around the world. Below I have recorded some of the thoughts Henry Blackaby shared from 2 chapters in the study. (Crisis of Belief and Adjustments to God) Of course this leaves alot to be desired, you really have to do the study or see this in person. But I hope it ministers to you at some point.
When you are “born again” you are at that minute radically oriented to God. Your relationship to God is so HE can carry out His purpose.
When God speaks to you-whatever you do NEXT tells you what you believe about God.
When God speaks it will always be a CRISIS OF BELIEF and your response will cause an eternal effect. (Peter and Jesus in the storm)
When God confronts you, He will always show you what’s impossible in your own strength so God will be praised in the end.
When we are in the middle of a Crisis of Belief we sometimes have unbelief. This Unbelief shuts down God. (Mark 9:14-29…story of demon spirit in a father’s son.
V24 “I do believe, help my unbelief.”) The father had the right attitude. He did believe but knew he also was struggling w/unbelief. We are no different at times.
When God gives us a Crisis of Belief, the key to walking thru it is OBEDIENCE.
When we as believers are obedient then God can use us to do His will.
When God calls, God provides. (Heb 11 the Heroes of Faith) …w/o faith it is impossible to please God.
When God calls, we must trust His timing and His ways.
When things, in the middle of a Crisis of Belief, get difficult do we stop and give up or do we fast and pray and trust God more? (Matt 17: 14-21…same father, same demon possessed son.) The questioning of the disciples over why they could not cast out these demons….Jesus answered in V20-21 “Because of your little faith.” Jesus had already given them power to cast out demons. But when it did not happen like they expected, they gave up…Jesus said to never give up (adjust) pray, fast, trust.
Note: they all started with "when" meaning, there is no question that God is not a work around us. So WHEN we see Him at work we are to take action and JOIN HIM.