Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The 4th, well actually the 3rd....

Have I ever expressed just how much I love fireworks? I remember as a kid going w/my family to the Valley Drive-In on the 4th of July. My brother and sister were very young 2&3 and I was 10. My mom would busy herself making popcorn and snacks for the drive-in, prepare my younger siblings w/baths and PJ's, make sure we had a blanket to lay on top of the car and off we would go. Our parents would take us up to the playground right in front of the huge screen to occupy our time till the cartoons started. Then we would rush back to the car and get settled for the cartoons and movie knowing full well that after the movie (if we were awake) we were going to watch the firework display.

The movie ends and then my dad would lay out the blanket and I would get to sit on top on the car hood to watch the fireworks. My brother and sis were asleep most of the time. But I would be as excited as Christmas morning to watch the fabulous display of color that seemed to rain down on top of me. The BOOM sounded like it would vibrate thru my skin and bounce of off my bones!

Last night we went to the Nashville Sounds BBall game with friends Dennis and Beth. And I took myself back to the drive-in...once again. It got to be bottom of the 6th and I was getting excited about the upcoming fireworks. We witnessed a proposal of marriage and the announcement to a husband of the expected arrival of their first child! Then the Fireworks! Splashes of color! Booming in my chest! Right below us was a young family w/2 cute curly redheaded boys they went thru the gamet of snacks, we gave them one of our baseballs, mom had melted icecream all over her and in the bottom of the 9th, their 18 month old fell asleep and slept right thru the fireworks. Even though 44 yrs had passed from my memory and this young families memory of the 4th...things pretty much stay the same. Moms and Dads do alot of preparing for special memory making, kids eat and play and watch in wonder at the fireworks and babies still sleep thru it all!

I hope your 4th was a blast, that you took time to remember family and country and heroes long past. This life we are given goes so by so fast, don't forget to "stop and smell the roses" along the way. Joy to all of you out there in blog-land.

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